About me

Hi, my name is Marcelo Souza, and I am currently an atmospheric researcher at the National Institute for Space Research in Brazil. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Oceanography and recently completed a Ph.D. in Meteorology at the Federal University of Santa Maria, also in Brazil. I am an oceanographer who became passionate about what lies above.

Under the supervision of Dr. Everson Dal Piva, my Ph.D. dissertation focused on the contribution of extratropical cyclones and their associated fronts to precipitation patterns over the Southern Hemisphere in both present and future climates, using data from CMIP6 models, reanalysis, and observations. These systems are responsible for much of the severe weather conditions in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, but when they’re not causing trouble for people and life, they are beautiful.

My research interests include synoptic and mesoscale meteorology, extreme events, climate change, and numerical modeling.

On my days off, you can find me among mountains, trails, and dust. Or just chilling at home!

Este cara sou eu!
Hey, is this me?

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